For 50 years SNAC develops material for bridge and building bearings to comply market requirements and applicable norms and certifications by affirming its know-how.
SNAC creation
SNAC (Société Normande d’Application du Caoutchouc – Norman Rubber Application Company) is a French company created in 1971 and based is Rânes, Normandy.
Purchase by the COUQUEBERG rubber group
In 1986, the COUQUEBERG rubber group bought the company. First rubber sheet
SNAC started to develop rubber sheet production.
SETRA (French transport authority) developement (Now named CEREMA)
Creation of a SETRA quality label to guarantee quality products to the whole market. Then the first rubber bearings are manufactured in our the workshops. At that time, bearings are cut from “mother plates” to the dimensions ordered by the customer. Corrosion and aging problems came so market players improved the bearing production process like we know it today. At the same time, a thinking group was formed under the authority of SETRA to award a quality label and a guarantee of constant quality and irreproachable.
Label NF XPT 47815
Creation of a French quality label, NF XPT 47815, in 1993. SNAC quality is rewareded by getting this NF label. It was reconducted each year.
VOGEAS a new owner
2002, COUQUEBERG managed retired. VOGEAS is the new owner grouping.
CE label as per EN-1337-3
In 2007 SNAC passed all EN 1337-3 requirements and got with success the CE label.
RCA group new and today owner
In december 2016, SNAC is bought by RCA (Robert Chartier Application) the French specialist of bridge maintenance and expansion joints.